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                欢迎您来到品著建筑空间设卐计公司,品著设计专注于:深圳办公室设@计,精品ω 酒店设计,深圳◎高端室内设计,深圳〗企业办●公室设计,私宅设计,办公室设计,地产设计,酒店设计

                ABOUT us


                品著建筑空间设计(Pin zhu Architectural space Design,简称 PAD), 是一家集合设计业上下游产业链的综∮合设计服务公司,拥有来自香港、台湾、 大陆两岸三地各领域专业人才㊣逾30人,在上海、西安、成都都有参股公司,业务范围涵盖建筑设计、室内设计、陈设设计、景观设计、机电设计,标识设计 六大业务№版块,其中室内设计包括有六大设计领域:豪宅、酒店、办公、地产、 商业⊙和文娱。至今已经完成1000余项室内设计项目,设计』面积达3000万;并与众多国际五星级酒店品牌、知名地产商和零售商达成长期战略合作。 近3年,P A D 累积荣获30项国内权威奖项,包括国际空间设计大奖—— 艾特奖、中国空间设计第一奖项——筑巢奖、最具影响力设计机构、十大最具 影响力酒店类≡设计机构、中国饭店金马奖、中国酒店杰出设计五星钻石奖、现 代装饰国▲际传媒奖、中国国际室内设计双年展、中购联▂中国购物中心创新设计奖等。

                Pin Zhu Architectural space (abbreviation: PAD ), is a company providing integrated services of design industrial chain along upstream and downstream sides. We have joint stock companies in Shanhai, Xi’an, and Chengdu, with more than 30 professionals of different filds from HongKong, Taiwan, and mainland China. Our business covers interior design, architectural design, furnishings design, landscape design, electromechanical design, and Identiflcation design. And, as an important part of our business, interior design reaches six main domains including luxury house,hotels, offices, real setates, commercial rooms, and that of entertainment. So far, it has amouted to over 1000 projects of interior design that we have well finished, with the design acreage reaching 30 milion squre metres. And we have achieved long-term cooperation with numerous five-star-branded hotels, well-known retailers and land agents from home and aboard, in order to build strategic relationships. During the past three years, P A D has entered into the ranks of the most infuential design organizations and even the top 10 in term of hotel design. We have acquired as many as 30 prestigious awards, such as the Idea-Tops of International Space Design Award, the Nest Award of China Space Design, and a Second Prize of CIDF in hotel design.



                Management Team

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